NZ Diploma in Enrolled Nursing - Level 5 (Whanganui)

The Human Body in Health and Illness

The Human Body in Health and Illness

Colorful cartoons, engaging learning aids, and an easy-to-read approach make it enjoyable to learn A&P! The Human Body in Health and Illness, 7th Edition introduces you to the anatomy and physiology concepts you'll really use in healthcare practice. Organized by body systems, this text simplifies the often-intimidating subject of A&P with clear, step-by-step explanations, hundreds of full-color drawings, fascinating anecdotes, relevant clinical...
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Mental Health in Nursing: Theory and Practice for Clinical Settings

Mental Health in Nursing: Theory and Practice for Clinical Settings

The 5th edition of this highly regarded text has a new title and approach which builds on the foundations of previous editions to acknowledge mental health as essential to holistic nursing practice in every setting. Written by Kim Foster, Peta Marks, Anthony O'Brien and Toby Raeburn - a team of highly respected mental health nursing educators, researchers and clinicians, the new edition has been carefully reorganised to reflect contemporary...
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Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The Craft of Caring

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The Craft of Caring

This new edition of a bestselling, evidence-based textbook provides a comprehensive overview of psychiatric and mental health nursing. Keeping service users and their recovery at the centre of care, the holistic approach will help nurses to gain the tools and understanding required to work in this complex area. Extensively updated for this new edition, the text looks at: * Aspects of mental health nursing: covering topics such as ethics,...
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