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BN510 Skills for Nursing 1: The fundamentals
Potter & Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing - Anz, 6th Edition
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ISBN: 9780729544139
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Now in its 6th edition, this trusted reference for nursing students supports the development of safe, effective and person-centred practice.
The text has been comprehensively revised by nursing leaders and experts from across the spectrum of clinical practice, education, research and health policy settings; and a highly experienced editorial team, which includes Jackie Crisp, Clint Douglas, Geraldine Rebeiro and Donna Waters.
Chapters of Potter & Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing, 6e engage students with contemporary concepts and clinical examples, designed to build clinical reasoning skills. Early chapters introduce frameworks such as Fundamentals of Care and cultural safety, as ways of being and practising as a nurse. These frameworks are then applied in clinical and practice context chapters throughout. Reflection points in each chapter encourage curiosity and creativity in learning, including the importance of self-care and self-assessment.
This new edition includes Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ) for Potter & Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing, ANZ 6e. Corresponding chapter-by-chapter to the core text, EAQ prepares students for tutorials, lectures and exams, with access to thousands of exam-style questions at your fingertips.
79 clinical skills over 41 chapters updated to reflect latest evidence and practice standards, including 4 new skills
Fully aligned to local learning and curriculum outcomes for first-year nursing programs
Aligned to 2016 NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice and National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards
Easy-to-understand for beginning students
Focus on person-centred practice and language throughout
44 clinical skills videos (including 5 NEW) available on Evolve, along with additional student and instructor resources
Aligned to Fundamentals of Nursing: Clinical Skills Workbook 4e
An eBook included in all print purchases
Additional resources on Evolve:
. eBook on VitalSource
Instructor resources:
Critical Reflection Points and answers
Image collection
Tables and boxes collection
PowerPoint slides
Students and Instructor resources:
44 Clinical Skills videos
Clinical Cases: Fundamentals of Nursing Case Studies
Restructured to reflect current curriculum structure
New chapters on end-of-life care and primary care
New online chapter on nursing informatics aligned to the new National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capabilities Framework, including a new skill and competency assessment tool
Includes Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Potter & Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing, ANZ 6e
Over 2,450 self-quizzing questions that allows students to advance at their own pace - based on performance - through multiple mastery levels for each chapter
A comprehensive dashboard allows students to view their progress, and identify areas of strength and weakness
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 16 January, 2023.
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